martes, 9 de febrero de 2016


Concerto grosso is a form of  Baroque music.

The musical material is passed between a small group of soloist-the concertino- and a full orchestra-the ripieno or concerto grosso/big concert.

Listen to the opening of Bach's Bradenburg Corcert No4.
The solo group of violin and two flutes are prominent at the begining and are then joined by the ripieno strings.The harpsichord is playing the continuo.

This is in contrast to the solo concerto which features a single solo instrument with the melody line ,
accompanied by the orchestra.


They are phonograph records that were included aboard both "Voyager spacecrafts" launched in 1977.
Voyager 2 left the Solar System in 2004.
They contain sounds and images selected to portray the diversity of life and culture on Earth.
The musical selection is very varied.
Featuring artists such as Bach,Mozart,Beethoven,Stravinsky,Guan Pinghu,Blind Willie Johnson,
Chuck Berry,Kersarbai Kerkar and Valya Balkanska.

From Bach was selected "Bradenburg Concert no2, Allegro movement"

For further information click on this site:

jueves, 4 de febrero de 2016


A harpsichord is a musical instrument  played by means of a keyboard.
It produces sound by plucking a string when a key is pressed.
"Harpsichord" designates the whole family or similar plucked keyboard instruments,including the smaller virginals,muselar and spinets.

Jackson 5 and Bach were funky way before Bruno Mars' Uptown Funk

Virginals are smaller and simpler rectangular form of harpsichord with only one string per note.

Muselar is a kind of virginal that was made only in northern Europe
They were popular in the 16th and 17th centuries.

It's a smaller type of harpsichord.
Spinets were in common use during the sixteenth and seventeeth centuries.