jueves, 26 de mayo de 2016


Language of music.

1The repetition dots that face each other indicate that:
a.we have to repeat the passage between the two.
b.we don't have to repeat anything.
c.we have to repeat from the beginning.

2. The signs that lengthen the notes are:
a.ties,repetition dots and the pause or fermata.
b.dots,pause and bar line.
c.pause,tie and accent.

3.We write the pause or fermata:
a.over or under a note or rest.
b.under the silent rests.
c.over the notes.

4. A tie is:
a.a dot.
b. a curved line.
c.a straight line.

5.The dot is a sign that :
a.divides a note by half its value.
b. makes a note longer by half its value.
c. multiplies by four the value of a note.

6. Fortissimo means:
a.a very loud sound.
b.a very soft sound.
c. a loud sound.

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